AchievaTek >> “Achieve A Tek (Technique)
Given a Cause >> Analyze & Design Solution >> Produce Results
AchievaTek is a federation of freelancers focusing on creative solutions that are efficient and cost effective. We strive for Lean solutions, our motto is “Cut the fluff and get to the stuff.”, in other words cut cost by providing efficient solutions.
We practice Minimalist, Lean, and Design Thinking methods to create a solution that is innovative and saves you money. Our talented members are passionate about what they do and desire to bring our clients success.
Some of AchievaTek services include,
- Problem Analysis and Solution Design , we determine the optimal Solution to a Cause or Effort.
- Operations Management, We provide results via Analysis, Process Improvement, standard documents (SOP, SLA, TechRefs, etc), and Lean ODLC “Operational Development Life Cycle”.
- Pharma Operations, we specialize in Operations Management for efficiency, our documents will pass FDA Audits.
- Process Improvement, We have many years of System/Process Analysis and Design. We use various formal methods along with Design Thinking forums. In addition, we are SMEs in Data, Database, and Data Warehouse production. Our experience and accolades accounts for solid practices in Continuous Process Improvement.